Board of Directors’ Committees
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and one other Board member appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business and affairs of the corporation when the Board is not in session, except as otherwise provided in these By-laws, reporting to the Board for ratification of its actions.
Nominating Committee
Members of the Nominating Committee shall be Directors or former Directors of the Board. The committee shall consist of a minimum of two (2) current Directors. The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of candidates for the class of Directors and a slate of Elected Officers of the Corporation to be elected at the next annual meeting of the Board, but this shall not preclude nominations from the floor.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees all financial operations of Chapel Haven, including reviewing the operating budget, the annual audit, and the investments. It monitors Chapel Haven’s financial operating performance. It also reviews financial transactions that may significantly impact Chapel Haven’s income statement or balance sheet.
CHSC Scholarship Committee
CHSC Scholarship Committee is a subcommittee of our Board of Directors that oversees needs-based scholarship awards earmarked to help current and prospective CHSC families. CHSC is pleased to offer financial assistance to adults entering and currently enrolled in our programs and to prospective families. CHSC currently has four funds that make this possible: The Poole Scholarship Fund, The Bershaw Temporary Scholarship Fund, the Baker Family Scholarship Fund, and Anonymous Scholarship Fund. Learn more about our scholarship opportunities here
Development Task Force
The Development Task Force is intended to convene a group of early leaders to provide oversight during the initial fundraising phase. The Task Force helps to establish early ownership among key leaders, cultivates interest in long-term volunteer opportunities, and creates a forum for good ideas, address potential challenges and collaborate on key campaign decisions.
The Task Force consists of eight (8) to ten (10) members that represent the leadership of Chapel Haven Schleifer Center among key constituencies (Board, Administration, supporters and prospects). The Task Force operates for a finite period of time beginning with the launch of the feasibility study and ending with a successful capital campaign.
1. Consider a personal philanthropic commitment to Chapel Haven’s campaign;
2. Assist in the development of the formal Case for Support – A seminal document from which all other campaign materials will be based;
3. Provide guidance on marketing (name and theme) and additional ancillary campaign materials; collaborate on the design and endorsement of the Campaign Plan;
5. Review and endorse Campaign Gift Acceptance and Crediting Policies (based on guidelines and best practices from the Association of Fundraising Professionals);
6. Identify and approve appropriate donor recognition and naming opportunities;
7. Identify, recruit and solicit Development Task Force (DTF) candidates; and
Retirement Committee
The Retirement Committee in 2024 will oversee CHSC’s adoption of a new retirement plan document, new investment options, and establish CHSC contribution rate to staff retirement accounts. The ongoing committee will review our retirement offerings, audit our plan, and with our financial advisor make changes to provide highly rated investment options.