Cheri Lucibella, Job Coach
Cheri Lucibella works as a Job Coach in CareerAbility supporting individuals in both group and individual supported employment and volunteering as well as competitive employment sites. She has been part of the CHSC family for 17 years. Cheri helps our individuals with on-the-job training while implementing and reinforcing strategies needed to succeed in the workplace. She has formed a strong connection with the CHSC population and loves to help adults achieve workplace growth and success. In 2004, Cheri graduated from SCSU with a BA in Psychology and a specialization in Mental Health. In her spare time, Cheri enjoys spending time with her four children, husband, and Olde English Bulldogge, camping, reading, and listening to music.
Cheri Lucibella
Job Coach
(203) 397-1714 – Ext. 223